I could have posted the latest hip-hop news (Who shot at who, sued who, called who a you know what, or said something about someone's mama on record) but it all seems so pointless and stupid compared to the news of the tsunamis and it's victims. I didn't think there could be a disaster worse than 9/11, but this is a much bigger tragedy. The news reports seem to get worse every day. Here are some links on the story. If you can, please donate to the American Red Cross, and pray for the thousands of people affected by this natural disaster.
Red Cross donations
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
A little bit of this...a little bit of that
Friday Night Fights aka Rumble In The Jungle
You may have read the story in Allhiphop.com, but check out Eedris’s version of the airplane scuffle and what happened before hand. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!
Q: What happened in Lagos?
A: We got back to Lagos and I thought that they were going to change. But I was backstage and they allowed 50 Cent's boys to embarrass us. Because we resisted, 50 Cent had to come on stage straight from his car. After that I went on stage and I told the fans. "You are beautiful people and Nigeria is a beautiful country. If you don't love 50 Cent, if you don't love Eedris Abdulkareem, you wouldn't be here.
But how come 50 Cent came on stage and dropped N200 notes on you, saying "I heard you people are poor." I asked if that is how poor they really are and they said no.
~Bob Ejike makes a good point as well. He states “If the reverse situation were the case, would Americans have frustrated their national star into creating a violent scene in an aircraft before getting his due?” Good question.
~I tried to link Eedris Abdulkareem’s website, but it seems to have exceeded it bandwith limit. I imagine he is getting mad traffic or G-Unit has some G-hackers! This is a big story in Nigeria.
Word to the mother(land)!
“She got a gold tooth, you know she’s hardcore!”
I got these links from my boy Silent Bob aka Ray J
(I don’t know why we call him that, he’s always talking sh!t).
This girl’s got game!
Lil Jon’s high school picture
This or That aka Name That Sample
Al Green - Simply Beautiful
Talib Kweli - Good To You
Paul MaCartney & Wings: Old Siam, Sir
Knoc'turnal: Muzik
Web slinging
Must have!
How scary are you?
Seconds of Madness game!
Spongebob Squarepants shuffle board game
Whose world is this? It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!
Dame Dash Bear
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 23, 2004
I'm locked up! (They won't let me out!)
I know, I know, I know...the holiday season sucks. Not everyone is partial
to to all the merriment and festivities. The last minute shopping.
The over-spending. The long holiday dinners with the in-laws. And God forbid
your not a Christian or are one of the more advanced Christians who are aware
that Jesus wasn't born on December 25th (Hi Ma!) But this year, I refuse to
let reality rain on my holiday season. Yeah, Christmas is all commercial
now anyway, but you know what? With all the madness I have been through
this year (ask my friends, they'll tell you) and all the madness we all have been
through this year, I say let the real world wait. Let's celebrate! If you don't have
any loot for gifts, are mad at everyone in your family and don’t want to see them
at X-Mas dinner, or are just a scrooge in general, be grateful for what you've got.
Some of us have it much worse this holiday season. Peace to all our soldiers and
innocents fighting and dying overseas! God bless you all! And peace to the woman
you love to hate! Keep your head up M.
Dear Friends,
When one is incarcerated with 1,200 other inmates, it is hard to be selfish
at Christmas hard to think of Christmases past and Christmases future --
that I know will be as they always were for me -- beautiful!
So many of the women here in Alderson will never have the joy and well
being that you and I experience. Many of them have been here for years
-- devoid of care, devoid of love, devoid of family.
I beseech you all to think about these women -- to encourage the American
people to ask for reforms, both in sentencing guidelines, in length of
incarceration for nonviolent first-time offenders, and for those involved in
drug-taking. They would be much better served in a true rehabilitation
center than in prison where there is no real help, no real programs to
rehabilitate, no programs to educate, no way to be prepared for life "out there"
where each person will ultimately find herself, many with no skills and no
preparation for living.
I am fine, really. I look forward to being home, to getting back to my valuable
work, to creating, cooking, and making television. I have had time to think,
time to write, time to exercise, time to not eat the bad food, and time to walk
and contemplate the future. I've had my work here too. Cleaning has been my
job, washing, scrubbing, sweeping, vacuuming, raking leaves, and much more.
But like everyone else here, I would rather be doing all of this in my own home,
and not here -- away from family and friends.
I want to thank you again, and again, for your support and encouragement.
You have been so terrific to me and to everyone who stood by me.
I appreciate everything you have done, your emails, your letters, and your
kind, kind words. Happy holidays,
Martha Stewart
P.S. I thought you might be interested in the brief my lawyers filed with the Court this afternoon.
In Sports:
Holy cow! HOW ABOUT THEM JETS!!! My squad is about to make me a
very happy man.
Heading into what may be one of their biggest games yet, Gang Green looks ready for war!
At least Chad is. He is going to war with the media and I for one support him and what he has to say. He should pipe down a bit until we at least win the division. Then talk all the sh!t you want.
But regardless, I gotta do it one time for my boys......
J--E--T--S!!!! JETS--JETS--JETS!!
Meanwhile, Monday night was interesting as well. Who would have thought that Miami would do it to the Pats? Who would have thought that Tom Brady would "throw a dumb pass" and have a pass deflected for the first time this entire season? Who knew Miami had it in them and would sneak past the champs? Next season, you guys should wear the Syracuse style jerseys. I think you blinded the Pats defensive line!
I'm outta here for the holidays! Jr. and I are gonna wait up for St. Nick and sk him if he wants to play Sonic or Madden 2005. Hope you get all you want this X-Mas!
Happy Holidays! (even to those of you who bar-humbug)
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
The Dis-Education of Kanye West
I must be living in a cave or something. I had no idea there was such an anti-Kanye West movement going on. We get a guy making (or buying) a song about Jesus and gang of fools start hating on him. But if he did “buy” the song “Jesus Walks, so what?
I once did some production work for a once popular, now fallen off music producer, with the assumption that he was going to put me on. Months later, I hear my drum tracks and rare jazz samples on a very popular female emcee’s song. The producer in question refused to return any of my calls. He would have gotten knocked the f’ out the night I bumped into him at a major recording studio in Manhattan, if his pistol packing bodyguards would have had the night off. Now that is f’ed up.
Kanye’s deal doesn’t seem to be that bad to me. I agree, he can come off a bit annoying, but I can’t totally throw him under the bus. Not yet. But you can! Here are some links on the subject. Go to Byron Crawford.com for more info.
Jacked this from Bol..don’t hate me..hate Republicans!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Def Poetry Plugged In-January 28th
To all my Canheads and poetry heads in NYC, make sure you mark your calendars for this event! Canhead’s favorite poet ,Tantra, will be on the stage along with some heavyweights in the spoken world scene. This one is not to be missed!
Danny Simmons & BAM present Def Poetry Plugged In
Vernon Reid Poetry Project
Sonia Sanchez
Ursula Rucker with special guests Karen Gibson
Roc and Fluid,
Sydnee Stewart,
Maritri & Tantra
Hosted by Reg E. Gaines
Curated by Kamilah Forbes
BAM Howard Gilman Opera House
Jan 28 at 7:30pmTickets: $20, 25
---The following was taken from the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s website---
Danny Simmons and BAM present Def Poetry Plugged In, a collaborative evening fusing spoken word, rock, and hip-hop that features poets and musicians sharing their love for wordplay and good grooves.
Poet and playwright Sonia Sanchez, a strong voice for racial and social justice for more than four decades, performs for the first time with guitarist Vernon Reid (Black Rock Coalition, Living Colour).
Co-headliner Ursula Rucker is a sophisticated and seductive poetess whose socio-political work has been featured on two solo albums and in the coveted album-ending spot on The Roots' first three releases.
Also on the bill: Funky poetic vocalist Karen Gibson Roc and her revolutionary band Fluid; poet, actor, and playwright Sydnee Stewart; and Brooklyn-based vocalist/poetess duo Maritri & Tantra.
Reg E. Gaines (lyricist for Bring in 'Da Noise, Bring in 'Da Funk, founding member of Scratch DJ Academy) hosts. Russell Simmons will make a special appearance (doing what he usually does).
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 20, 2004
~Gee our old LaSalle ran great~
F' The I-Pod, we got the OG of mobile music machines right here. So what it ate both my Lisa Lisa and The Cult Jam and DJ Red Alert tapes. I still got love for that little Walkman. You couldn't tell me I wasn't the man when I had this. Yes I had the exact one pictured above, and it kept me happy during many a detention and in-school suspension day.Like Edith and my boy Archie say, "Those were the days."
Bums at school were always begging me to borrow it, like they would be able to give back such a work of technical art. Like I would be able to part with it for more than 6 minutes Dougie Fresh your on. I would spark fire out your monkey azz if you even looked like you wanted to ask me such stupid sh!t!
Sad to say, my Walkman introduced me to a life of crime, as I began my "Summer of '84 AA Battery Shoplifting Spree" that held every store in Minglewood Acres (my old stomping grounds) in terror! I had the game mastered, being able to boost a AA 8 pack in 10 seconds flat. You heard correct party people, the Walkman was my gatway drug. Soon, I graduated from stealing batteries for Walkmans, to stealing batteries for boomboxes, cables for my home stereo, and finally...the top of Mount Zion..the DJ setup. But it all started with that thin gold Walkman.
Don't take it personal Mr. Jobs. If your feeling generous and want to donate a I-Pod to the Canhead Music Research Department, I'll gladly accept. I promise to give all misplaced I-Pods a happy home. And once their time in the new gadget spotlight is up, I will post a throwback page just to remind the lost youth of tomorrow what good portable music machines were all about.
Go find your old Walkman and reminisce! Just don't sing out loud on the train or at the gym when your listening to your old Night Ranger or Kid n Play tapes. I'm outta here meathead! Get outta my chair will ya, and while your at it, play my outro!!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Dies Natali Invictus aka 'The birthday of the unconquered"
I hope you are all enjoying your holidays and spending it with you family and loved ones. Take advantage of the time off and get some rest, watch football, eat, and be merry. For tomorrow, I break down the true origin of this holiday we go into debt for. Ahh what the hell, I’ll do it right now. (I gotta be me!)
~Taken from Werner Keller's book "The Bible as History"
"December 25 is referred to in documents as Christmas Day in A.D. 324 for the first time. Under the Roman emperor Justinian [A.D. 527-565] it was recognized as an official holiday. An old Roman festival played a major part in the choice of this particular day. December 25 in ancient Rome was the 'Dies Natali Invictus,' 'the birthday of the unconquered,' the day of the winter solstice and at the same time, in Rome, the last day of the Saturnalia, which had long since degenerated into a week of unbridled carnival . . ." (p.331).
~Excerpt taken from http://www.eternalcog.org
The Tower of Babel
"Virtually all pagan practices had their beginnings in the city of Babylon during the time of Nimrod. Nimrod was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah (Gen. 10:6-8). He was the founder of Babylon (v. 10). Nimrod formed cities instead of going out and replenishing the earth as God had commanded Noah to do.
One of Nimrod’s accomplishments was building the tower of Babel. Some believe he did this to protect people from the potential threat of another flood from God. The scriptures reveal that Nimrod was "a mighty hunter before the Lord" (Genesis 10:9). The word "before" is better translated "against" and it is clear that he became the first post-flood dictator. The name "Nimrod" is translated from the Hebrew word "marad" and literally means "he rebelled. Ancient traditions regarding this apostate leader show that he rebelled against God, and in so doing, created a worldwide apostasy.
According to tradition, Nimrod married his own mother, Semeramis. Then, upon his death, Semeramis began to teach that her son had been reincarnated in the form of a full-grown evergreen tree which supposedly sprang up from a dead tree stump. On each anniversary of Nimrod’s birthday, December 25, Semeramis would visit this evergreen tree, claiming that Nimrod would leave gifts for her there. Through her politics and the use of her son’s name, Semeramis became the queen of Babylon, the home of the Chaldee Mysteries. She was also regarded as the "queen of Heaven" and "the mother of the divine son." After generations of these idolatrous practices and traditions, Nimrod came to be considered the son of Baal, the sun god.
He and his mother became the chief entities of worship as a Madonna and child. This belief and practice spread to Egypt, where the names of the gods were Isis and Osiris. The son Osiris was born December 25. In Asia it was Cybele and Deonius. In Rome they were called Fortuna and Jupiter. Throughout the world we still find the remnants of mother and child worship to this day. It is no surprise that this same system still exists at the end of the age. It is called "Mystery Babylon" (Revelation 17:5). Shockingly, it is disguised as Christianity and is still practiced in the celebration of Christmas."
~There are tons of articles and information on this subject on the web. Don’t get it twisted, I still got junior a Gamecube for X-mas, and if your wondering what El Q Tha Gr8 wants, I do have my eye on one or two things. But that doesn’t mean that I will blindly follow the masses down the road of an old school remixed Babylonian holiday. At the same time, I won’t yank Christmas away from my son and turn him into an over analytical freak of nature. (The world already has one of those!) So it’s on with the usual, gifts and cartoons on Saturday, bills on Monday.
~Know the ledge~
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Reminding Me Of Self aka Brother Cue
I’ve been thinking about my father a lot these days. Maybe it’s because I don’t get to see my son as much as I would like to after the break-up, or maybe it’s just me getting old, soft and sentimental.
Anyway, in honor of my pops, I thought I’d dig up a few tracks to dedicate to him, and post them here. A little background for you, waaaaay back in the day, my father was a radio DJ, so music was always in my house. I remember waiting up late at night, just to hear him wish me a goodnight sleep and play a song for me. Some of the songs posted are ones he would play on air or around the house. Hope it gives you a warm fuzzy and makes you as misty as it did me. Love you daddy! (Mamma and Willie Mae get a page dedicated to them next!)
Colour My World- Make Me Smile-Chicago
Pops loves Chicago and so do I! I practiced the drum solo at the end of “Smile” for months on end to the dismay of my folks.
“Deacon Blues” – Steely Dan
I’m not sure how crazy my dad is about this song, but it sure does remind me of him. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it was always on the soft rock radio station he played in his insurance office when I worked for him. Regardless, this is his speed right here….
“Jungle Boogie” “Open Sesame” “Summer Madness” “Funky Man”—
Kool and the Gang
Ohhhh weeee! It’s no wonder I grew up to be a balding B-Boy! Saturday afternoon house chores were always backed by Kool and the crew, Sam & Dave, or The Godfather himself. That’s why I can name most of the samples used in hip-hop songs, I still remember them from back then! “Open Sesame” was on the first album my pops ever bought me(”Saturday Night Fever”) and it was the sample I gave to Jose Nunez and Harry “Choo-Choo” Romero for “The Doo Dance” on Gossip Records (go look it up!). And “Funky Man” was my first favorite song. Much love pop, much love!
“If You Don’t Know Me” “Be For Real” - Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes
May not be Pops favorite but it’s one of mine. “If You Don’t Know Me” is another one!
And finally, two songs that sum up my early years in the house….
“Fire” – Ohio Players “Do It (Til Your Satisfied)” – B.T. Express
I was all over these records. The Ohio Players album covers made me drool, the song sounded like a fire was going on in the studio, and my little feet couldn’t stop moving to BT Express! “Whatever It Is..” Still love it!
That’s it…I bet he still has all these records. Hey pop, give you boy a call once in a while, and not to ask me the question you always ask me either…your grandson says hello!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Listen and Read Sunday
"My City" Common featuring Malik Yusef-off the "One Day It'll Make Sense" lp.
This the city of Chicago
The state of confusion
The style I'm using is free
Or at least it would be if my mind was
Peep I'm behind cause I didn't handle my function while in high school
Although I was cool
The hood I live in ain't that proper
Cause a cop a stop ya
And have you at a hundred and eleventh before you can say not guilty
I'm not filthy
Nor am I rich
Ain't that a bitch
Like life is
Not your wife is
See that your better halve
Do your math
And peep that two halves make a whole
And all I have to hold
Is my self pride
So these streets I strive
Like a Black Panther
Asking can the situation get much worst
All I do is try to appeal to the masses
As the phrase keep it real passes
The teeth of too many phoney individuals
Snakes, that smooth like criminalsT
hey create chemicals
That the Earth hate
Doing their damndest to decrease my birth rate
I'd settle for lesser knowing I'm worth wait
Or at least my weight in precious gems
So I'm steadily steadly steadly
Trying to lose my religion, like R E M
Created in His own image so are we him?
And through all this crises
Shid(Shit) I wonder where Christ is
Well he damn sure not in K town or the wild hundreds
Where they broadcast G.D. till the world blow-up
And Stone run it
Hunted by police for display in state vile cages
Come out to make minimum wages
And with a desiese that are contagious
It is fucking outrages
The amounts of Black and Brown they lock up
But the Most High encourages me to put the glock up
And Stock up on do for self knowledge
A brother couldn't afford to go to collage
So I had to learn form the school of hard knock
On the hard blocks of the ChiEven I, think about moving out to River Oaks
As my liver soaks
In mad Hennesy
Cause I got a bad tendency
To do a lot of drinking
Now I do a lot of thinking
Blinking, was your third eye
When you heard I was one of the chosen one
Industry doors keep closing
Watch the closing doors
Niggas want a record deal
But can they deal with a record?
Cause once they get rich
They tend to switch
Like a sissy
Please miss me
With all that bullshit you popping
This knowledge I'm gonna keep dropping
Even if you had one of them red octagon
Motherfuckers say Mylik how you make your living?
I say by breathing oxygen
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2004
PSA From Canhead Records
..........A message from TurnYourBackonBush.org............
Dear Backers,We don't want to overwhelm you with emails on this list, but we've got some exciting news! Tuesday night, an AP article about Turn Your Back on Bush went out over the wires.
It was picked up on Wednesday by over 50 newspapers around the country and was covered on NPR that morning. We've had a sudden surge in traffic to our website, and calls from other media have started pouring in.
You can see the AP article at the link below.We need to capitalize on this great exposure and build on it to spread the word. We're in talks with a progressive press relations collective to take on this piece of the organizing right now, but we need to raise $3,000 in the next 3 days to pay for this expense.
We're asking you to dig deep - this will be a huge step toward our goal to get tens of thousands of people out on January 20th. Please click on this link and make a donation now. (If you can afford it, a donation of $50 would go a long way toward our goal.)Link to the AP article on Turn Your
Back on Bush:
This publicity has already brought in 4 new State Organizers on Wednesday alone. If you haven't signed up to help organize your state, please check out www.turnyourbackonbush.org/organize.html.
Thanks again,
The Turn Your Back on Bush Team
~Illuminati links of the day
I haven’t hit you with any of my “paranoia” links as of yet. Well guess what. That’s all about to change…..right…….NOW!
~In Sports:
In the NBA, some people think that after the dust has settled on the basketball “riot”, not much will be done to those charged. I tend to agree.
The Hip Hop Blog Fantasy Basketball League is getting interesting as my squad “Albany Hustlerz” find themselves in a heated battle with BlksRNaturalAthletes (seriously, that’s the name of the team I’m playing against now…don’t ask) I’m closing in on the Red Dust team, looking to take the number 8 spot.
Pittsburg plans on making a 2 game sweep of the New York teams as they prepare to enter the Meadowlands for lunch today. I think I heard Bettis and Staley fighting over who was gonna eat Manning’s food. Should be pretty messy.
Pray for my Jets people. Pray hard! Don’t bother praying for Tennessee. Even God can’t pull of some miracles.
~Last BUTT not least
Looking for a special gift for your lonely friend? I think this will do the trick.
If your bucking to having the best decorated house on your block this Christmas, make sure you don’t end up on this website.
This is a man’s world!
When you see me in the street solider, salute me!
This one is for all you who thinks Christmas stinks. If you have no sense of humor, do not click this link. If you do, Merry Christmas!
You may have noticed that I took my links section off the page. It was a mistake; I was mucking around with the layout and lost them. So instead of re-listing them, I’ll just make it a point to post a few on every entry.
You really should check this blog out on a daily basis. “The Number One Songs In Heaven” is the bomb. Some of the MP3 blog’s links up now are James Brown, Minnie Ripperton, George Benson, and Junior. Check them out and tell them I sent ya!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 17, 2004
Spread love!
The Dog can’t stay outta trouble!
Hold your head up X!
“Get It On The Floor”
“Stop Being Greedy”
These guys got the hook up, all kinds of links here.
Jesus Walks:
Here’s a Bible verse sure to inspire us all!
Genesis 38:8-10
8 Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother."
9 But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.
10 What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also.
So Onan decided he should sleep with his sister in law but he pulled out so she wouldn’t get pregnant. Which part was wicked here, the pulling out early or the sleeping with his sister in law? I dunno, it’s a toss up! If I were God, I don’t think I’d be mad at the withdrawl as much as sleeping with extended family members. This was written before online dating and ladies night were invented so I kind of understand, but dating family is still gross!
Peer Pressure-De La Soul w/ B-Real (“Mase, please tell him stop being so dramatic!”)
Madlib & Peanut Butter Wolf live at Friends & Family Don’t sleep!
No Mercy (ft. M.O.P.)-Pharoahe Monch
Hater's Anthem - Jean Grae
Hey Shawtie- I-20 w/ Devin The Dude
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Check 1 2 and ya don't stop
I posted this on Fresh To Death, another mighty fine blog out there defending the virtue of our fair maiden hip-hop. (I do love her so….)
We all know how much our beloved hip-hop has influenced damn near everything under the sun. Sometimes hip-hop has bitten the hand that feeds it by embarrassing us all, such as at the Vibe Awards or average sports star's freshman CD releases. Things like this make us shake our collective heads in disgust and feel like leaving hip-hop for spoken word(maybe). But every once in a while, something will make us proud to be B-Boys in our B-Boy stances. This is one of those times.
I heard this story about a week ago, but ran across it again and thought y'all deserved to read it if you haven't yet. In the Ukraine, a serious battle for power is going on. Many Ukrainians feel that they have witnessed a electoral theft that makes the Florida miscount look like a petty candy shoplifting spree. An entire movement has sprung up in opposition to the current president. So has an history making hip-hop song created by two forward thinking Russian musicians.
Razom Nas Bahato is all the hype in Ukraine. Sung totally in Ukrainian with a funky azz beat, the track really shows how far hip-hop has come and gone. Think about this for a second party people. A hip-hop song is the theme of a revolutionary movement, dedicated to overthrowing the ruling president and giving power to Yushchenko, a man who many feel was poisoned by the opposing party . Wow. Meanwhile in America, Bush is behind the wheel for another 4 years and we are still having blog wars and beefing over who won the Nas/Jay-Z battle. (tie, get over it)
Maybe Talib, Mos, and Pharaoh should have thought of that. I mean there were a gang of songs about Bush Sr and Jr (PE, Paris, Coup, Dead Prez) but nothing like this. If you love hip-hop, not only should you grab your d!ck and rub your t!tt!es right now, you should be wiping tears of joy out of your eyes and checking your English-Russian dictionary while banging this track. Check the links below for more info on this story. Hip-Hop F'ing Hooray!
The "Razom Nas Bahato MP3" is here..
Read these for more info:
So nice, I had to post it twice. Sorry, I was at my bar last night so I don't have anything new to post...I am really starting to love my bar, you should check it out sometime if your in the neighborhood. Sunday nights are supposed to be hot but I have not made it down there yet. Again, sorry!
My friends at Albanypoets.com are going to be at my bar on the last Monday of every month and that's where I'll be, with my Heineken and Jack & Coke (in case you're thinking about buying the next round kicko!)
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Soccer sucks!
More goods from the internet.
~Nas- Bridging The Gap video
~This one is sure to make all my non-Christian (and some of my Christian) friends laugh….NOT!
In Sports
~“What did he think would happen?”:
Kobe is mad at The Mailman for ringing his bell twice! Kobe’s wife acts like she wasn't with it.
~Soccer is an ugly, racist, violent, mindless, stupid, gay azz sport anyway! F’ those backwards, slack jawed, dim witted, broke d!ck ,cavemen losers! I mean I understand that not everyone is going to be civilized and you will always have a few bad apples, but when and entire stadium starts booing and making monkey sounds, it doesn’t make you want to visit their “beautiful” (ie: stuck up,boring, bland food, bad driving, non English speaking) countries too soon. Makes me want to get on a plane and go to all the foreign soccer stadiums and do like my man did in Florida!
~At least this guy didn’t back out on his bet! You win some, you lose some, that how it goes. (Holla at me..I got M&N Throwbacks Jerseys 4cheap, 4real!!)
In other news:
~Fox is preparing to air a show that we already see on Maury, Montel and Jerry.
~When playing Scrabble, Hootchie and Crack Ho are words and count for points! I win!
~Here is a gift idea for the ladies. Thanks to April Wincell for the link.
I’m outta here like Kid’s high top fade!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
On The Job
~If you haven’t heard yet, Hova is the new boss at Def Jam. Be on the lookout for a flood of dis records, dirty laundry airing out, Roc-A-Fella second stringers getting mad airtime or dumped or both, and the real beginning of the dynasty. Jay Hova indeed!
~A news bit that falls squarely in the lap of musical tragedy that we are glad as hell had nothing to do with hip-hop, the story on DimeBag Darrel is incredible and pretty scary if you really think about it. That would be like somebody running onstage at Summer Jam and shooting Chingy for leaving D.T.P. A few weeks ago there was a thread somewhere about what “gully” means? That’s gully! Not even hip-hop has an incident like that! Murder Inc. live on stage style. (Click here for Pantera and DamagePlan full albums!)
Somewhere In Hip-Hop
--Fat Joe and Remy Martin are in Miami being followed by a dark Crown Victoria, for no apparent reason.
-Beenie Man is about to be court ordered to perform in the 2005 Gay Parade for community service
-Every rapper who had a hit song this year, is about to get a Grammy for it.
-Will Smith it polishing off his 4 dusty Grammys and laughing real hard. (Sidenote: DJ Jazzy Jeff is not amused.)
-Marshall Mathers just woke up from a weed nap nightmare. He dreamed that he called Dr. Dre the “N” word by mistake live on the radio.
Random 5
Blackalicious –“Chemical Calisthenics”
Rob Zombie “Demonoid Phenomenon”
Nas-“The World Is Yours”-true
Ice Cube-“Nigga Ya Love to Hate”
Mad Villian CD
Ill links
When was the last time you saw a Jeru video? I think it’s been far too long.
D-12 on Conan O’Brien
I won’t be like everyone else and dis D-12 for all the obvious reasons. I like some of their sh!t. I giggled when I heard “My Band” the first time. I couldn’t laugh watching them on Conan and it should have been easy. They looked and sounded like they were bored as hell, performing “How Come” and “My Band” without any energy at all during the hooks and without Marshall. The midget was there, Bizarre was there, Green Lantern was there, Proof was there…..”Where’s Marshall” No. seriously, they sang this during the hook. They also sang his lyrics at times, as his voice is all over everything. But Em was not in the building. He must still be getting that rubdown from Jenna Jameon or some other Chlamydia patient. STEP YOUR TELEVISED SET GAME UP PEOPLE! I’m trying to defend your wack azzez…damn.
Ps You should have performed “40 Oz” and drank on stage. That would have been fun to do with Marshall.
Lil Jon & The EastSide Boyz feat Lil’ Scrappy on Carson Daly
YEEEAAAAHHH!!! This is why Lil Jon is the man. Somebody tell him that when he’s rhyming on a t.v. track, he has to mouth the words during all of his parts. I guess he look at it like, if they see me missing my verses, “What They Gon Do”? Nothing but keep it crunk! Lil Scrappy stepped up and the East Side Boyz held it down. Nice set.
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 10, 2004
Poetic Just Us
What...you didn't know the kid wrote poetry? Now you know. When theres alot of profanity in it, its lyrics. When it's clean and pure with odd rhyme schemes, it's poetry. You be the judge. What's up Tantra!
~The Pen~
My spirit
writes subliminal messages
with invisible pens
It sketches tattered tales
of loss and shortcomings
I have watched
The life of my old ghost
And its aged course
He is searching
for the glow
that the fair maiden called love emits
My spirit
longs to the feel
the warmth of her rays
My eyes
search for hers and get lost
in her gaze
Can she see me?
How deep can she stare into me
without losing her grip and falling
head over heels
My pen’s movements
have foretold her fall
But the wonder of her smile
and the rush of her kiss
is irresistible
I long to feel her
The pen’s script is fulfilled
As I begin
to love you
The old ghost smiles
as you kiss me back
the sun rises over the south
and spreads her wings
The old mans laughs
as his form loses its grey
She sees me and my ghostly companions
Kisses are given to us all
Only then does the pen stop
And rest on its side
empty and quiet.
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
The return of the funky one!

I used to judge emcees by their flow, style, lyrics, and content. If you bit somebody’s lyrics, you didn’t have a dj, if your beats sound like “Casio’s Greatest Hits” or you had a girl singing the hook, fugetaboudit! These days, as long as the emcee has a little rhythm and doesn’t sound too off beat, I give them a pass. The longer I listen to hip-hop, the less picky I become. I actually like Afroman, Chingy doesn’t bother me (the joint with Snoop was the shiznit! don’t hate), and unlike most hip-hop fans, I actually looked forward to the all white girl group Northern State. Why, you may ask? It’s simple.

Hip-hop’s vision has been clouded by “champagne wishes and caviar dreams”. Now, the objective is “make money, money, make money money money!” The result is a gang of emcees trying to match “the sound” that majors(the true original gangsters) are willing to put money behind, i.e., cars, rims, clothes, booze, guns, blunts, stunts, crime. Every once in a while someone like Jay-Z, Nas or some new emcee with a mean rhyme game comes out, and you can’t front his/her skills at all. But most emcees today are wack, dick riders, and they act like they are saying something new because they use slang you never heard of. With all of the clones being dumped on the streets by the Universal Sony BMG Empire, it’s like a breath of fresh air when someone comes along and tips the applecart, even if they sound like a Beastie Boys throwback on helium. I know that it’s all an attempt to recreate the glory days. But until that happens, I will accept the rest of the the lame hip-hop that is here in the meantime with a smile on my face. I will do it out of respect and undying faith in our cause. I mean there used to be a time when we had no rappers getting music awards. Now, they all are!! In order to get to this point, some sacrifices had to be made. So long live uninspired hip-hop! The true fuel to the next underground hip
If I can’t critique hip-hop like I want to without fear of retaliation for speaking my mind, then you can’t complain when Nelly, Chingy, The Neptunes, and R. Kelly keep hypnotizing you with banging beats, stale processed lyrics, and get all the awards. Peace to the pioneers of rap. If you don’t know any of these people listed in the links below, do like Flav said…”Read a book, learn about your culture!”

Crash Crew
Cold Crush Brothers
Run's House
Grand Puba
Rock Steady Crew
Grand Master Flash (my first favorite DJ)
Bam/Zulu Nation
Mixmaster Ice- UTFO DJ
The True School
Story of the Sugar Hill Gang suing The Beastie Boys. Reported in allhiphop.com
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 06, 2004
Karma luvs Snowy Mondays
“Whatever You Say" Little Brother
“Channel Zero”-Canibus
Can I Bus drops science about the Greys, The Bible and the Grand Deception. One of the reasons why Canibus is still the man, second to the military stint thing. At ease solider. This is my boy Frat’s joint!
Oh yeah, I meant to post this last time
Karma Muth@F*(k@!!
In case you don’t know, these guys need to be put on blast. Never mind the fact that these guys got me for a lot of money and CDs. That I can get over. But I had plans for my CD release and thought I was working with an honest company. What was I thinking, right? An honest company in the music business…anyway, they failed to do anything that they promised and I lost momentum on the project. But karma may win in the end. This same company seems to have jacked a few other people, namely Kurupt and Kool Keith . Since they are going for their loot, I think I’ll do the same.
Sorry Ma..Ma hates it when I curse.---The following is from Kool Keith’s site, Doc...I’ll holla...
"911 Fan Alert"
Dr. Octagon Part II is a BOOTLEG
The album is being bootlegged by 101 Distribution, in association with Real Talk Records and 33rd Street Records. The album has already been shipped and is in stores as of October 12th. It cannot be recalled. The album features 2 demos, 2 Clayborne Family tracks, and 6 INCOMPLETE tracks from the upcoming 7th Veil album. The cover of the album features Kool Keith standing in front of an Escalade, which he is not even down with. 101 Distribution, Real Talk, and 33rd Street are being sued for this release. According to Jacky Jasper, the official bootlegger is Michael Kinbrew (a.k.a. Scoobie) and his partner Damon Evans. Supposedely, these two have stolen records from Kurrupt and had false negotiation agreements with Kel of "Kenan and Kel" (Nickelodeon). HipHopSite.com has already recalled the album
I’m out!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Stacie J is the truth!
Shallow Hal moment
Come on now, who told these chicks that they could pose in Maxim? Maybe as the girl introducing the hotties. But that's about it. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't go out with any of these women though, don't get it twisted. (If you are one of the ladies who's pictures I just blasted and are offended by this post, please feel free to send me hate email and we can finish this discussion. But please don't give that photographer guy $1,00 to shoot your portfolio, he’s just running game on you girl!)
Now my girl Stacie J?? She is winning hands down, no matter how weird she got on The Apprentice. Stacie is the truth! (Not for nothing, Pamela can get it too!)
In Sports:
Curtis and the boys are gonna be like "Feet don't fail me now" until the end of the season! I suggest every Jet fan be on their best behavior for the next 2 weeks and maybe Santa will give us a early present in the form of 2 upsets!
Remember all the noise people were talking about Donavan last year? It's oh so quiet these days isn't it. Oh yeah, I forgot..that guy was running his mouth(because he got high, because he got high, because he got high-la la la la la la!)
Gotta love Indy. At least someone from Tennessee is making me proud. I mean really, WHAT THE HELL IS THREE ONSIDE KICKS IN THE FIRST QUARTER ABOUT? Are they just giving up or is the whole team on some really strong weed in Cashville Ten A Ki? (let me find out)
Out in San Diego, a miracle is about to happen.
Carmelo Anthony said he threw the Bronze medal he won at the Olympics, in a lake. Everybody else will probably be talking about how he hangs out with drug dealers who will kill you if you're dropping dimes. We already knew that.
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 02, 2004
And finally, an unsolicited editorial.
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Ohhhhhh..Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Sponge Bob Square Pants!…at the bottom of the Hudson River where he belongs (just kidding Patrick!)
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brotherman?
One of these days, boy I'm gonna smack the...
Posse up!
I bet my man C. Powell was probably thinking, “Damn I can’t wait to leave! Fools out here busting shots and sh!t! All these Haitians think I bumrushed their man anyway! How can I stay calm while they running around acting ignant, shooting and hollering and casting spells on me! Condi can have this shit! (Feel free to email the writer of this link and share your opinions.) Ya'll aint gonna drive me crazy” Hold your head, duke!
In case you didn’t know, there is nothing funkier than a dead possum! Now you know!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 29, 2004
Cuz I make great peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...Van Hell Sang!!
O.D.B. at the Grammy show
Props to Tofuhut for this link I just jacked. Sorry, had to do it!
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them." -George Bush
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
The other day I got an email from this guy named Hashim. He has a cool blog going and I post comments on it from time to time. Anyway he asked me if I wanted to help work on his blog and I was like “Yeah!”. So look for more rambling, pictures of girls that I love, and hemp reform proproganda from your boy at his site. Oh yeah, he has a nice little fantasy basketball league that I’m in. It’s a little confusing sometimes but it’s a blast!. I say we have our Finals Party here!
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
Heres another cool site I came across with government names of artist. "His momma named hm Clay, I'm a call him Clay!"
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
I’m thinking about posting a 420 bulletin board on this blog. If you don’t know what 420 is, skip this entire blog….for good. The report will be just that …you drop a line about the 420 situation in your hood, rates, grades, whatever, as long as its true info for real 420 peeps. But mind your tongue when you post….u never know who is watching! Just for fun!
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
Philly did it to NY. Every time I have good picks for Sunday, I get all nervous and don’t play. I would have had 6 for 6 picks last week. I don’t know what to say about my Titans but by did they fall off! They break my heart. But my other squad in New York, Gang Green is nasty! Blog up to all my fellow die hard Jets fans out there as we are finally getting the season we deserve to see! Damn it feels good to see people up on it!
Ha! http://www.nyjetsfan.com/game/coles.html
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
Big shouts to my boys at Subliminal who will be in Spain next week, doing the damn thing. I will have to catch up with you in Miami, your boy Q is ballin’ on a serious budget!
Make sure you check out my squad, The Groovegetters every Friday night at Downshiftradio.com. DJ Juan Kato and DJ Will hold it down on the online streaming video mix!! “House music all night long (say what?)”
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
~Ill link of the day
-~`-~`--~~``---‘``’ ~~‘`~~ ‘`
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Happy Jive Turkey Day
What’s happening party people?
Hope you had a nice fat turkey day. I have been on a mission, working 15 days straight! I am at the end of this torture and will miss my big azz checks but welcome the sleep. I did find the time to catch up on some fine art. I recommend that all of you take time out of your busy schedules and broaden your horizons.
I can’t wait to go on vacation in March. I may have to plan a little getaway sooner than that just to keep my sanity.
Anyway, here are some goodies for you all….new dance track on the way!
~Breaking news from the White House
~You got knocked the f… out man!
~Nice blog site
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I'll holla
Since this is my first post, I'll just introduce myself. I am El Q Tha Gr8, aka QRock639 aka DJ Donnie Speed, aka L.A. Blackfoot, aka Laron "I hate when there's two many personalities, now enough pills" Cue! Shalom.
Those of you who know me from my past web experience (Canhead.com) may say "Ahh hell, who let this m#thaf#k@ back online!" Don't blame it on me, I was done. Retired from the game like Too Short and Heidi Fleiss. Outta here. But it's like the man says "Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in!" Tech is too sexy and I'm with all that clikity clak keystroke action. So I'm back in the mix with this cyber tech shiznit. Don't hate, blog update biaaaatch!
For those of you who don't know me, you can expect to find all kinds of funky fresh, liberal, intelligent and stupid dope manuvas here! I'm trying to tell you now, this blog is gonna be the truth for real son! I'll hit youz up with all the usual mp3 or two, weblinks, party announcements, nekid girlie pictures and political conspiracy theory propaganda that you can handle. Feel me?
As far as current events go..the world is going to hell in a hand-basket and I got front row seats for the big throwdown like Hellboy at Armageddon. The battle of all battles is about to begin, the war for your souls is on! ("Its the end of the world, I just want me a girl, It's the end of the game, it aint hard to explain" and all that! (E-40 quote for all you lames and squares out there's) Republicans did it like real crooks this time out and came in your house while you were asleep and jacked your sh!t! Ohio never knew what hit 'em. I voted for the robot, like a robot, and woke up feeling dirty, like that time I had to take the walk for shame from midtown Manhattan to downtown.....but I digress.
So let me think of something to post and I'll get back at ya.....I got a few new beats I'm working on and will post soon. ...my MP3 pick will be up soon to.."I know you gonna dig this!"
Wanna say hello to all my people out there who will soon be bombarded with email from me again. Holla and I'll holla back!

In the Deck as we speak!
The Alchemist cd----pretty tight, "Boost the Crime Rate" ,"Hold You Down" and "Where Can We Go?" by Devin the Dude. But what's the deal with the Alc/Mobb/Littles beef. Say it aint so!
Alicia Keys-I can see Ms. Keys evolving into some next level musican. "Nobody Not Really", and of cousre the radio jam "Karma" are two of my favs as well.
Peter Tosh-"Rastifari Is"--this track is like a cross between Kenny Rogers and ...well Peter Tosh. Make we want to change my religion...wait...I already did that. Opps...JAH RASTAFARI!
Outkast/Andree 3000's The Love Below cd--All I have to say is ---"Yoooooouuurrr...all I ever wanted but I'm terrified of you!" Still banging this up and down Central Avenue, getting strange looks from ying and yangs alike (my slang for balck and white people, don't bite it trick!)
Linkin Park- Meteora-Corporate rock at it's finest...naw for real tho' I like this cd, and it's not because my homie stromie Steve Sisco assisted the engineering on it. It's good. I don't know about that LP/Jay-Z project tho'. We'll see......
99 Problems-J-Hova-My theme song! "I'm from the hood, stupid!"
Treasure Hunt!!!!!!
Go to McDonald's, get a Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese, don't eat it there, wait until you get home.
Go to Blockbuster/Hollywood Video or wherever you go to rent movies. get "Super Size Me".
Go home and start the movie and begin eating. If your not sick by the time homeboy in the movie starts eating his first double quarter pounder, you will be by the time he's done! Good times.
Non sponsored endorsements
Need a little help putting some pep in your step. Try this! My friend at GE, Mr. Priest a.k.a. Jrr, a.ka. Basketball Jones a.k.a. Killer Priest HIGHLY recommends this product. With a name like Killer Priest, I think you should take his advice!
Posted by Q.Rock639 at 4:26 PM 0 comments